Monday, September 17, 2007

This post has nothing to do with ME and my face!


I MUST say...kudos to the EU for taking on the Bill Gates.
Darn right Microsoft is monopolizing the market. I wonder what the effect of the suit will be?

Ok that's as deep as I get.
I have been carrying around the cutest list in my purse for months now. It's getting all tattered so I better hurry up and share it. I came across it on a teacher's desk one day while subbing for a First Grade class in San Diego so the kids were 6-7 years old. (Yes I am a nosey, but it wasn't like she was hiding it or anything...). The school was located in a low-income area. The last one is my favorite. Poor babe must have privacy issues...

What would you buy with $100?

1. A big house
2. A picture of me and my mom
3. A bike
4. A car
5. Toys for me, flowers for my mom
6. A car, I think
7. Clothes
8. 100 Apples :)
9. A house to live in
10. Matches in case my stove doesn't work
11. New clothes that I always liked
12. A bike
13. A house
14. A car
15. Candy
16. A bathroom, extra bathrooms, some baby bathrooms for my baby sisters with little doors. :)


  1. FIRST POST!! LOL. How darling is that list! I just love it! Makes me teary knowing they are in the low income area and I read "a house". The matches for the stove got me too. Bless their sweet hearts!

    Glad you liked the psycho photo. I am waiting for someone to stop by and claim it is them, but while waiting stop by later for a new ditty I was cooking up yesterday! Sure to help you plan a future with your daughter dearest!


  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    telling isn't it. great project. I think I will try it with my students and see what they write. i have started a recycle project this year with my students. we are collecting water bottles from the entire school and our homes (i can't believe I committed to this one, every Friday so far the back of my truck is really filled with huge backs of bottles). The money we make from turning in the bottles, we will use to donate to a humanitarian cause in our community. If you have any ideas, let me know. The theme this year is imagination. I love that theme. You'd think all seven year olds had great imaginations. But, of course our pop culture has taken care of that for us, so I am really working on creating an enviornment where the kids learn to use their imaginations. It is a blast for me. I think of Anjoli and would just love to be a fly on the wall of her school to see how it is. Tell her hello. Ann Marie and Sal send her greetings.
    Chelice and Leo

  3. hi sweet sue,
    i loved your adventures in chinese medicine. first, because it seems to be helping you already. second, because you are so damn funny.

    this list is sweet, and very telling. it proves we all crave a safe haven first. i pray this child's wishes come true, either thru divine intervention or by his/her own determination!!!

    if only $100 could buy a house or a bike or a car.....

    love you susie...keep on keepin on!


  4. Glad you are back to your chipper self.

    Sending much love to you and your family,


  5. Glad to see you're back! We've all been sending good vibes your direction and it appears they've actually worked. How cool is that?


  6. You're too cute, the hospital sounds superb, restful and quiet, our Western system sure could learn a thing or two. Good luck with the acupuncture!!!!

    I loved this list, altho it is sobering to see what the kids in the low-econ system would spend their *fortune* on, *a picture of me and my mom*....

    Keep gettin well!


  7. Back in the 90's, all the Laura Ashley shops were sold for a dollar. So if I had $100, I would have all the Laura Ashley shops, and then I'd save $5 for when I get old, and then I'd give the rest to the school kids who wrote the list.

    oh, and btw, I know where I can get a car for $100...
